500,000th Hen Rehomed!

After 10 years of helping ex-commercial hens, the British Hen Welfare Trust rehomed their 500,000th hen, Dee.

Dee was not adopted alone. Together with a few equally lucky feathered friends, she went off to her new home complete with a swanky new des-res hen house, bales of Dengie Fresh Bed for Chickens, a year’s supply of feed and a host of other hen delights.


Dee’s lovely new owners recently got in touch with Team Dengie to thank us for our support and to update us on how well Dee has settled in.

“Many, many thanks for the Fresh Bed for Chicken bedding that you donated to Dee, the British Hen Welfare Trust’s 500,000th hen! We are so very grateful to have received it and can tell you that the hens love to cosy up together on it! We’ve also had some very nice eggs!

The bedding is so much softer and gentler than the straw that we had been buying, so thank you very much, both us and the hens truly appreciate the prize.

It’s been a very exciting time for us, getting used to all the equipment, feed and bedding since adopting Dee, but we will always be grateful and remember how kind you have been.”

Rosie Elliott (aged 5 1/2) & Julie Elliott (written by Mummy!)